Sierra Leone News: Energy Ministry on Energy Gender Mainstreaming
By MoE Comm. Unit
The Ministry of Energy in collaboration with stakeholders have held a gender mainstreaming on Renewable Energy seminar in the Ministry’s conference room in Freetown on Tuesday August 27, 2019.
The rationale for the meeting was to form a technical committee that could spearhead the actual mainstreaming of women in renewable energy activities, as women are key to the operation and sustainability of the use of charcoal, firewood and other biomass activities.
It was one of the objectives in the agreement of ECOWAS Commission of Renewable Energy (ECREE) of the sub-region based on MDG 7.
(50 percent of women in the energy sector by 2024).
Addressing participants, the acting Minister of Energy, Dr. Eldred Taylor expressed commitment of the Ministry to the process of mainstreaming women in energy activities, adding that integration in the energy sector through a comprehensive inclusion of women especially the rural women is a laudable venture.
He appealed to participants to formulate a standard and credible Renewable Energy Technical Committee that could reflect the nation and revolutionize the sector with more women. The minister briefed participants about the laudable work the Barefoot Women’s College at Konta Line in Koya Chiefdom, Port Loko District in training rural women on solar installation and maintenance, which is very vital for the nation.
The Director of Energy, Ing. Benjamin Kamara gave an overview of the energy sector in Sierra Leone; and the Head of Renewable Energy, Mr. Robin Mansaray oversaw the formation of the Committee alongside the Consultant Dr. Fredrick John and the Ministry’s Technical Adviser Dr. Patrick Tarawalli.
This meeting attracted participants from the University of Sierra Leone; UN Women; Freetown City Council; 50/50 Group; and Ministry of Social Welfare Gender, Children’s Affairs among others. It was concluded that a letter be sent to MDAs for nomination of committee members by next week before another meeting.