Sierra Leone News: Four Women Die of Suffocation

Premier Media
2 min readSep 6, 2019


By Mohamed M. Tuba

The apartment where the victims were found

Autopsy results from Connaught Hospital mortuary have shown that four women including a mother and her two children dead of suffocation from a Wonder stove found inside their apartment at Mansaray Drive, S.S Camp, in Freetown on Tuesday August 27, 2019.

Three victims died on the spot at their resident, while the mother died at the 34 Military Hospital on the following day. The death includes Kadiatu Bangura, 36; Isatu Conteh, 16; Isatu Bangura, 16; and Fatmata, 2.

The 36-year-old woman is a mother of two of the deceased children Isatu and Fatmata, and a sister of Isatu Bangura.

One of the leading causes of carbon monoxide related poisoning and death is the burning of wood or charcoal inside the home. Lack of proper ventilation results in the concentration of gas getting higher and higher until the level is so great that people inside the room or house where the gas is present breathe it in and suffocate — leading to brain damage and death.

Dr. Dominic Jenkins, Senior Consultant in Emergency Medicine and Deputy Chair for Clinical Affairs at the Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC), a not-for-profit health care provider, warned residents of the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning and the particular danger of burning wood and charcoal indoors.

He said, “When charcoal burns, it releases carbon monoxide gas. This has no taste or smell but it can be lethal as it displaces oxygen in the blood and deprives the heart, brain and other organs of oxygen. Large amounts of this gas can make a person lose consciousness in minutes without warning — causing suffocation and sometimes death.”

Ibrahim A. Sesay, a relative to the deceased and an eye witness, said that about around 2:00pm, they tried to reach Kadiatu on her cellphone but she could not respond to any of the calls. This, according to him, prompted them to break the door and enter the room.

“When we entered the house, we saw the three children lying dead and the mother was helpless. Immediately, we called the chiefs and other neighbours to see what had happened,” he said.

The remains of the four women have been laid to rest on Wednesday September 4, 2019 at Mile 91.

The husband of the deceased, Abdul Conteh, said that they had three children but they were not living together since the woman had refused to join him at Mile 91 where he resides and works.

Conteh said that he usually communicates with the deceased on issues relating to the welfare of the children.

“She never called me to report any illness or having any issue with anybody. I am really confused as to what caused the death of my wife and children; only God knows,” the husband grieved.



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