healthSierra Leone News: Govt Funds Overseas Surgery for Client of Legal Aid Board

Premier Media
3 min readOct 15, 2019


When Jenneh Sesay of Melron Street in Wellngton paid a visit to the Legal Aid Board Office in Freetown to plead for legal assistance for her indigent son Ibrahim who was remanded at the Pademba Road Correctional Center, she never thought she was going to receive help with medical for the severe burns in her face.

Jenneh is epileptic. In November 2018, she had an attack while preparing food for the family. She fell on the fire at a time when there was nobody to come to her rescue. As a result she sustained severe burns which disfigured her face.

She was admitted at the Rokupa Hospital and subsequently discharged. She returned home to face a new reality of living with a disfigured face. To add insult to injury, she also had to continue life at least for the time being without her son who is remanded at the Pademba Road Correctional Center.

The quest for justice for her son led her to visit the Legal Aid Board office in Freetown in July 2019, to plead for legal assistance for her son who had been charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

At the Legal Aid Board, she secured assistance for herself and her son. “We are going to assist you and your indigent son,” the Executive Director of the Board Fatmata Claire Carlton-Hanciles told her. She referred her to Dr. Fadlu-Deen who is the Board’s focal person at the Connaught Hospital for further medical treatment.

As part of an agreement based on trust with the office of the Chief Medical Officer, sick clients discharged from correctional centers in Freetown are referred to the Connaught Hospital for free medical attention and treatment.

The Authorities at the Connaught hospital referred Jenneh to the Ministry of Health and Sanitation since hospitals do not have the facility for plastic surgery. The case was consequently referred to State House for possible assistance with plastic surgery abroad.

It was all smiles when Jenneh came to the office on Friday to say government has agreed to fund her operation in India and also importantly to thank the Executive Director for ensuring she benefits from facility meant for its client. She will be leaving for India next week.

Ms. Carlton-Hanciles took the opportunity to thank the Government for the gesture and the authorities at the Connaught Hospital for their support to sick clients of the Board. “I cannot imagine releasing sick clients from prisons and cells into the community who do not have money to buy food let alone medical treatment,” she said.

Meanwhile, Jenneh’s son Ibrahim is among 141 inmates/cases represented by the Board in the September Criminal Call Over sessions of the High Court around the country. However, Ibrahim is still at the Pademba Road Correctional Center because he could not fulfil the bail conditions.

As her departure date draws near, Jenneh has still not got anybody to stay in her apartment whilst she is away in India. This why she is again seeking the assistance of the Board with fulfilling her son’s bail conditions.



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