Sierra Leone News: NASSIT Begins Lawsuit against Balmaya Restaurant

Premier Media
2 min readSep 2, 2019


By Isabella Cassell

The National Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT) on Wednesday June 28, 2019, began a lawsuit against Balmaya Restaurant and its manager Philippe Charles Zoller for failing to pay social security contribution for its staff to the Trust worth over Le32 million.

The defendant Philippe Charles Zoller made his first appearance before Magistrate Mark Ngegba who presided the Magistrate Court №2, Pademba Road, Freetown.

The defendants were brought to court on two counts — failing to pay social security contributions contrary to section 32 (1) © of the National Social Security and Insurance Trust Act. No 5 of 2001, and failing to comply with the provisions of the NASSIT Act №5 of 2001 and the regulations made there under contrary to section 32 (1) © of the same Act.

Particulars of offence states that, the defendants, Balmaya Restaurant, Philippe Charles Zollner being an establishment and employer respectively under the NASSIT Act, on diverse dates between April 2016 and March 2019 at 32 Main Motor Road, Congo Cross, Freetown did fail to pay social security contributions for their workers to the trust within the required period.

Also, that the defendants without reasonable excuse did fail to comply with the provisions of the NASSIT Act and its regulation.

The available records of the establishment revealed that, as at June 20, 2019, the defendants were indebted to the Trust to the tune of Le 22,950,000 which has also attracted interest of Le 6,727,066.91 and penalty of Le 2,967,706.69.

Defense Counsel U.B Conteh Esq. made an application for bail on behalf of his client.

Magistrate Mark Ngegba granted the defendant bail in the sum of Le 100 million, one surety who should be employed by a reputable institution.

He also stated that the surety must not be below the age of 40 and must be resident in Freetown. The bail must be approved by the deputy acting Registrar.

The matter was prosecuted by Lawyer Tejan Ahmed Israel Jah Esq., and was adjourned to September 10, 2019.



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