Sierra Leone News: NGC Rejects Annulment of Election Results

Premier Media
3 min readSep 2, 2019


By George M.O Williams

National Grand Coalition (NGC) party has absolutely disagreed with the decision of the National Electoral Commission to cancel the entire bye-election which was conducted on August 24, 2019, in constituency 110 in the Western Area Rural District.

National Chairman and Leader of NGC, Dr. Dennis Bright told a news conference on Wednesday in Freetown that “having considered the decision of NEC, the NGC Party totally disagreed with the decision of the National Electoral Commission to cancel the entire bye- election and order a re-run due to irregularities and acts of violence perpetrated in 10 out of 145 polling stations.”

“There is no justification for this blanket cancellation in the

Public Elections Act of 2012,” the Party chairman said.

Dr Bright said, “In that regard the NGC party denounces the violence and intimidation displayed by very highly placed personalities in the ruling SLPP including the Minister of Transport and Aviation, public servants and thugs, and the wanton destruction of elections materials (ballot boxes and papers) at Sarah Modern Secondary School. These acts were carried out in full view of the Police personnel who failed to take action on the scene which contravenes Section 112 (J and O) of the Public Elections Act 2012.”

He said that it is expected from the Sierra Leone Police and law enforcement bodies to swiftly, and without fear or favor investigate, prosecute and dispense justice on the culprits, “but however, NGC hereby register our total disappointment with the police for their inaction”.

“Having duly retrospect political violence and intimidation , NGC Party is now reconsidering its participation in future bye-elections not including those of Constituencies 110, 040 and 043 for which the Party has proposed candidates but because of repeated acts of violence perpetrated with impunity,” he noted .

NGC commended the United Nations representation in Sierra Leone for their forthrightness in acknowledging the facts and for requesting prosecution for those who committed glaring electoral offences, but was disappointed by the hushed tone of the press statement by other International partners that did not seem to indicate awareness of the extent to which the incident at Sarah Modern Preparatory School polling center t compromised all their efforts to support democracy in Sierra Leone. Having invested so much in building and sustaining democracy in this country, we believe that our International Partners and moral guarantors must be outspoken in condemnation of any action that undermines democracy, peace and stability,” Dr Bright said.

He mentioned that in a period of high political tension and uncertainty, “NGC has engaged key stakeholders of SLPP and APC on the search for solutions and a common ground in the interest of the people, but considering all that has been happening since Tonko Limba and now Constituency 110, it appears that all our efforts have been disregarded and the business of bad politics continues unabated”.

The chairman said, “In that vein, NGC party is therefore constrained to review its current position and to henceforth espouse a more direct pro-people approach, and reminds the government that if this trend of political violence is not checked , all the efforts being made by government to attract much needed foreign investment will be in vain.”

Published: 29/08/2019

ISSUE NO. 7665



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