Sierra Leone News: SLFA Sets Dates for Congresses

Premier Media
2 min readOct 22, 2019


By Desmond Tunde Coker

The Sierra Leone Football Association in a well constituted Executive Committee meeting held on October 17, 2019, has resolved to hold the upcoming three congresses.

The first Ordinary Congress which is meant to adopt the revised SLFA statute and the FIFA Code of Ethics will take place on the 6th and 7th December 2019 in Port Loko City.

The second Ordinary Congress which is meant to elect the Electoral Committee and Electoral Appeals Committee will take place on 31st January and 1st February 2020 in Kenema City.

The third Ordinary Congress (Elective Congress) will be held on the 17th and 18th April 2020 in Makeni City.

According to SLFA, the Road Map is being followed, and that the Association is also engaged in several developmental activities including the 2019 WAFU Women’s Cup of Nations to be hosted in Sierra Leone from the 13th — 22nd December, 2019. Bo, Makeni and Kenema are the proposed host cities for the said tournament.

In another development, SLFA has appointed members of the Premier League Board for new league season.

The Executive Committee of the Sierra Leone Football Association has appointed the following persons to serve in the Premier League Board for the 2019/2020 League season:

1. Mr. Allieu Vandy Koroma Esq. — Chairman

2. Mr. Abdul Bangura — Member

3. Mr. John Lavalie — Member

4. Hon. Samba Turay — Member

5. Mrs. Nicky Spencer- Coker — Member

6. Mr. Tony Kallon — Member

7. Mr. Bockarie William Smith — Member

8. Mr. Abu Marley — Deputy PLB Secretary

The new Premier League Board (PLB) is expected to take up office and commence its functions effective immediately.



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