Sierra Leone News: SLLCA & SMEDA Strengthen Capacity of SMEs
The Sierra Leone Local Content Agency (SLLCA) and the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency (SMEDA) in partnership with the International Labour Organization (ILO) recently held a two day training session in Kenema Town for participants operating local businesses in the eastern region including Kailahun, Kenema and Kono district on the theme: “Improve Your Exhibiting Skills (IYES)”.
Giving an overview of the two agencies, Director General of SLLCA, Fodeba Daboh said that the operations of the two agencies were simultaneously established by an Act of Parliament in 2016, to create the enabling environment and provide the space for small and medium businesses to thrive.
He said that SLLCA and SMEDA Acts give the two agencies the mandate to collaborate, stressing that the Acts established several aspects including training, market linkages, job creation and access to finance.
According to him, the training would increase knowledge and enhance development of the participants as well as enable them to do their businesses effectively and efficiently.
Speaking on the outcome of the training, he noted that this would create the platform for networks and market access for their products and services locally and internationally.
He added that the training would also provide detailed information sharing about the two agencies and their operations, and that of the operations of businesses.
Daphine Foday, head of media and communication, disclosed that the training was designed to develop more women businesses in order to boost their skills, partnership through strategic communication.
The training, he said, is a pilot phase which will be implemented in the four regional headquarter towns of Bo, Makeni, Kenema and Port Loko.